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Top Benefits of Choosing IVF to Overcome Infertility

In vitro fertilization aims to provide hope to couples who are struggling with infertility. Women with damaged or blocked fallopian tubes often cannot conceive independently without the assistance of a reproductive procedure. Besides, IVF helps women conceive and is a blessing for couples when the man has a low sperm count or cannot fertilize the eggs.


The main benefit of selecting this procedure at SCI IVF Hospital is that it increases couples' chances of becoming parents. Best IVF clinic in Delhi may help you achieve your long-term goal of having a child if you're having trouble conceiving and want to use a highly successful therapy that is also relatively safe.


Factors before Undergoing IVF Procedure

Following are the factors before undergoing IVF procedure:


·        The Embryo Count – This can be figured out based on the age and amount of eggs collected. As a result, older women may need to transfer more embryos to compensate for their decreased implantation rates. In many countries, the maximum number of embryos that may be transferred is regulated by law, so spouses must make it clear to experts their expectations on this front. Typically, experts follow methods to prevent the delivery of triplets or more children.


·        Storage of Extra Embryos – It is possible to freeze the additional embryos, but some will not make it through the freezing and thawing process. According to data, frozen embryos have a lower success rate than fresh embryos, which may cause parents to reconsider the decision. If findings of the fertility clinic in Delhi aren't encouraging, frozen embryos may be transferred to a new facility. Future operations will be less costly and less time-consuming due to this storing method.


Top Benefits That IVF Has To Offer

In vitro fertilization procedures provide the following advantages.


IVF Has a Higher Success Rate

Even if numerous fertility treatments are accessible, such as intrauterine insemination, fertility drugs, and so on, these procedures fail if the female's fallopian tubes are obstructed, the patient is above the maternal age, or the male is infertile.


Suitable for Everyone

The IVF treatment may benefit gestational carriers, surrogate mothers, and couples who desire to experience motherhood, indicating that it is not limited to mothers. In vitro fertilization is a viable option for same-sex couples who cannot carry a full-term pregnancy to childbearing age.


Donated Sperm or Eggs Can Be Utilized 

Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour, IVF specialist doctor in Delhi may propose using donated sperm or eggs in some instances. The egg may be manually fertilized in a clinical setting. The fertilized egg can be used for the in vitro fertilization treatment, which increases the odds of conceiving on the first or second try.


Low Chances of Miscarriage 

The most common cause of miscarriage is a genetic defect, which results in spontaneous abortion of the pregnancy. Although in vitro fertilization may determine the embryo's genetic viability well in advance, it does not guarantee that the mother will be able to carry a healthy pregnancy.



An IVF specialist's success depends on their expertise and methods. Because of this, both parties must be thoroughly informed of the procedure's criteria before deciding to use one.


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