Infertility means the couple’s inability to conceive. It could be that one partner is not able to contribute to conception, or maybe a woman is not able to carry a full-term pregnancy. What Increases the Risk of Infertility in Men? · Although we often blame women of old age for problems related to infertility, there are chances of difficulty in conceiving for couples where the male partner is more than 40 years of age. Overweight or obese. Smoking habits. Excessive alcohol and drug consumption like opioids, marijuana, etc. Exposure to testosterone as men tend to take testosterone and similar medications to increase their muscle mass without the doctor’s recommendation. Radiation exposure. Frequent exposure to high temperatures. Exposure to specific medications like cimetidine, flutamide, bicalutamide, ketoconazole, etc. Exposure to environmental dust like pesticides, cadmi...
Another help by Dr Shivani Sachdev Gour at Sci Healtchare, Thanks Dr shivani, dr shivani sachdev gour very helpful.