form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) known as in vitro fertilization (IVF) involves the fertilization of sperm and eggs outside of the human body. IVF is a challenging procedure that requires taking eggs out of the ovaries and manually mixing sperm and eggs in a lab to fertilize the eggs. The fertilized egg, now known as an embryo, is implanted inside a uterus a few days after fertilization. When this egg embeds itself in the uterus wall, pregnancy develops.
People choose IVF for a variety of reasons, mostly for infertility problems and also when one couple has a pre-existing medical condition. Many people are willing to IVF if other fertility treatments haven't worked for them or if they're beyond the age of the pregnancy. IVF is an additional reproductive choice for the same partners or individuals who want to become parents on their own.
Procedure of IVF
IVF is a multi-step, challenging process. The procedure should take 4 to 6 months on average. This encompasses the period of time prior to egg retrieval during which a person consumes fertility medicine up until a pregnancy test is conducted.
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